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Tuesday, April 19, 2011
fast growing trees
Energy benefits aren't the only way that planting trees can help your wallet -- the National Agroforesty Center has reported that "green space" ranks in the top five things people look for when purchasing a home. The varied selection of beautiful and healthy trees offered by the Fast Growing Trees Nursery is a quick and cost-effective way to increase the value and appeal of any home property.These fast growing trees are cloned instead of seed grown, ensuring a strong and developed root system that will take hold when planted
Planting trees is sure to be a rewarding experience, but not only for the homeowner. The NAC promotes the planting of trees on private properties and advises that the work done by a single resident can affect an entire community and increase the attractiveness of an urban landscape. Fast growing trees are easy to plant and maintain and offer satisfying results that everyone will enjoy.If you wish that every day could be Arbor Day, planting your own trees is easier and more affordable than generally thought.
Planting trees is sure to be a rewarding experience, but not only for the homeowner. The NAC promotes the planting of trees on private properties and advises that the work done by a single resident can affect an entire community and increase the attractiveness of an urban landscape. Fast growing trees are easy to plant and maintain and offer satisfying results that everyone will enjoy.If you wish that every day could be Arbor Day, planting your own trees is easier and more affordable than generally thought.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Finding the balance between the results you desire and environmental sensibility can be the most difficult aspect of tree and lawn care. Make sure you know the type of materials currently used on your property and how they are applied. Blanket treatments using traditional materials are not nearly as eco-friendly as 100% organic and hybrid services that target specific problems as needed. Ask questions about the availability and effectiveness of green alternatives to find the perfect fit for your preferences.Early planning is vital to protect feature trees from permanent or fatal construction injuries. Use fencing to prevent equipment from breaking branches, tearing bark, wounding trunks and compacting soil. Ideally, allow one foot of space from the trunk for each inch of its diameter. To preserve root system health and stability, route utilities as far away from trees as possible and air spade under root zones rather than digging across them. Make sure critical roots are identified and not severed during trenching.Trees, like people, require essential nutrients to survive and function. In suburban landscapes, soil conditions vary greatly and are often compromised by inadequate nutrient supplies, compaction and insufficient room for roots. An arborist or local facility can test your soil for nutrient content to help determine how much, what type and where to best apply fertilizer if necessary. Fertilizing helps replenish nutrients that help trees and shrubs to sustain good health throughout the year.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
FAST GROWING TREES _ HYBRID WILLOW TREES The care you give your trees in the early stages of their growth will affect their shape, strength and life span. In their first few seasons, young trees expend a lot of energy to establish their roots in the soil. They are very susceptible to heat and drought so by following a few easy good –practice tree care tips you can provide your trees with the best environment for their growth and ensure they look their best.
Tree Watering
Experts agree that the best way to irrigate your soil is through slow, deep applications of water on a regulated schedule. For the best conditions, you should have soil that is damp (not soggy) and which dries for short periods to allow enough oxygen to penetrate the soil. Tree watering bags are an easy way to avoid the common problem of over-watering, which is as harmful as watering too little.
Tree Watering
Experts agree that the best way to irrigate your soil is through slow, deep applications of water on a regulated schedule. For the best conditions, you should have soil that is damp (not soggy) and which dries for short periods to allow enough oxygen to penetrate the soil. Tree watering bags are an easy way to avoid the common problem of over-watering, which is as harmful as watering too little.
The Secret to Healthy, Fast-Growing Trees
FAST GROWING TREES _ HYBRID WILLOW TREES The care you give your trees in the early stages of their growth will affect their shape, strength and life span. In their first few seasons, young trees expend a lot of energy to establish their roots in the soil. They are very susceptible to heat and drought so by following a few easy good –practice tree care tips you can provide your trees with the best environment for their growth and ensure they look their best.
The bag is placed on the ground around the tree, where it releases water over a 4 to 6-hour period. It can be used for all kinds of trees and shrubs, from newly-planted to 6” in diameter. The tree watering bags allow the soil to remain moist up to a depth that includes all the roots, helping the roots and your tree grow faster.
Using mulch in combination with a good watering system is even more effective. Spreading natural mulch on the ground around the tree will also help to protect the soil from extreme temperatures and keep the right amount of moisture. In addition, it helps to stop root competition from weeds by preventing their growth.
While growing, your garden is at risk from small and large animals as well as wind, chemical sprays and equipment. Using a tree shelter or deer tube will protect young trees for 5-7 years and create a greenhouse-like environment that promotes seedling growth. One can buy different sizes of these solid, translucent tubes adapted to protect trees and shrubs from rabbits, deer or any other hungry wildlife and the shelters are suitable for both home or field plantings.
Pruning and Disease Control
Finally, good pruning and care against pests and diseases are also important factors in healthy tree growth. It is important to prune at the right time (never in the fall) with the right tools and technique, and early in the life of the tree. This will give it the best shape and a longer life span.
Pests and diseases are a constant threat to trees and shrubs. It is worth investing some time getting to know about particular threats faced by your garden.
Tree Watering
Experts agree that the best way to irrigate your soil is through slow, deep applications of water on a regulated schedule. For the best conditions, you should have soil that is damp (not soggy) and which dries for short periods to allow enough oxygen to penetrate the soil. Tree watering bags are an easy way to avoid the common problem of over-watering, which is as harmful as watering too little.The bag is placed on the ground around the tree, where it releases water over a 4 to 6-hour period. It can be used for all kinds of trees and shrubs, from newly-planted to 6” in diameter. The tree watering bags allow the soil to remain moist up to a depth that includes all the roots, helping the roots and your tree grow faster.
Using mulch in combination with a good watering system is even more effective. Spreading natural mulch on the ground around the tree will also help to protect the soil from extreme temperatures and keep the right amount of moisture. In addition, it helps to stop root competition from weeds by preventing their growth.
Pruning and Disease Control
Finally, good pruning and care against pests and diseases are also important factors in healthy tree growth. It is important to prune at the right time (never in the fall) with the right tools and technique, and early in the life of the tree. This will give it the best shape and a longer life span.
Pests and diseases are a constant threat to trees and shrubs. It is worth investing some time getting to know about particular threats faced by your garden.
tree care
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Bare-Root - Trees and Shrubs Are Best!
The planting season is closing in. Generally hedging and trees are planted between the beginning of November and the end of March. The reason for this is that plants move better if they are disturbed when dormant - a bit like a small child asleep on a sofa being moved to a bed upstairs. In the morning it has no memory of the move - indeed it has little memory of where it fell asleep. This applies particularly to bare-root hedging plants and trees (plants that have been grown in open ground and are then lifted and have the soil shaken off their roots before being sold).
This article assumes you have decided on the type of plant/plants you want; maybe a single species such as beech or yew, or a mixed hedge or copse. Now the choice you are faced with is whether to buy your hedging and trees in containers (pots) or bare-rooted. Today a whole generation of gardeners has been raised on pot grown planting (mainly for the benefit of the garden centre industry). So, while there are some things in favour of containerised shrubs (indeed some cannot be moved bare-rooted at all) the advantages of using bare-rooted hedging plants and trees are overwhelming. The purpose of this article is to set out the reasons why.
Bare-root hedging plants are more economical than their pot grown equivalents. To be well grown a plant in a pot needs good quality compost, it needs to be re-potted as it gets bigger, it needs hand weeding, it needs constant watering and it has to be moved from seed bed to polytunnel, to standing out bed and from there to garden centre display. A bare-rooted tree grows happily in mother nature's soil in a field, watered by the rain until it is lifted and sold. There is far less cost involved and it shows in the price you have to pay.
Environmentally, container grown stock carries a high tariff. Bare-root hedging is rarely watered in the nursery as opposed to potted plants that need irrigation if it does not rain. If they are not watered daily, the compost in their pots tends to dry out rapidly on the sunny side and slowly on the shaded side) which leads to irregular root development and subsequent poor establishment in the ground. (As an aside, it also does not help that plant pots are generally black - the colour that absorbs heat the fastest). Still on the environmental front, containers means plastic. Most pots are manufactured from petroleum products - very few are recycled. Field grown hedging plants need no pots. The compost used in containers is at best heavy and has to be transported to nurseries so increasing their carbon footprint. At worst the same compost is also peat based and its production directly damages already dwindling ecosystems. And then the pots, full of heavy compost have to be sent to you, using more packaging and consuming more greenhouse gas emitting fuel than their bare-rooted cousins. As an example, you could put two hundred and fifty 80cm tall bare-rooted yew hedging plants in the back of a medium sized family estate car. The same number in containers would need a 7.5 ton lorry to deliver them.
Container grown plants need to be planted in a hole big enough to accommodate the medium in which they are growing. If the planting hole is in soil that drains less well than the compost in the pot, it fills with water and creates the conditions where roots rot (typically this happens in heavier, clay soils) and plants die. This effect is at its worst with potted hedging plants, which are typically planted in a trench that acts as a drain for the surrounding soil. Equally, if the surrounding soil drains well,
Article Source: DSL articles
This article assumes you have decided on the type of plant/plants you want; maybe a single species such as beech or yew, or a mixed hedge or copse. Now the choice you are faced with is whether to buy your hedging and trees in containers (pots) or bare-rooted. Today a whole generation of gardeners has been raised on pot grown planting (mainly for the benefit of the garden centre industry). So, while there are some things in favour of containerised shrubs (indeed some cannot be moved bare-rooted at all) the advantages of using bare-rooted hedging plants and trees are overwhelming. The purpose of this article is to set out the reasons why.
Bare-root hedging plants are more economical than their pot grown equivalents. To be well grown a plant in a pot needs good quality compost, it needs to be re-potted as it gets bigger, it needs hand weeding, it needs constant watering and it has to be moved from seed bed to polytunnel, to standing out bed and from there to garden centre display. A bare-rooted tree grows happily in mother nature's soil in a field, watered by the rain until it is lifted and sold. There is far less cost involved and it shows in the price you have to pay.
Environmentally, container grown stock carries a high tariff. Bare-root hedging is rarely watered in the nursery as opposed to potted plants that need irrigation if it does not rain. If they are not watered daily, the compost in their pots tends to dry out rapidly on the sunny side and slowly on the shaded side) which leads to irregular root development and subsequent poor establishment in the ground. (As an aside, it also does not help that plant pots are generally black - the colour that absorbs heat the fastest). Still on the environmental front, containers means plastic. Most pots are manufactured from petroleum products - very few are recycled. Field grown hedging plants need no pots. The compost used in containers is at best heavy and has to be transported to nurseries so increasing their carbon footprint. At worst the same compost is also peat based and its production directly damages already dwindling ecosystems. And then the pots, full of heavy compost have to be sent to you, using more packaging and consuming more greenhouse gas emitting fuel than their bare-rooted cousins. As an example, you could put two hundred and fifty 80cm tall bare-rooted yew hedging plants in the back of a medium sized family estate car. The same number in containers would need a 7.5 ton lorry to deliver them.
Container grown plants need to be planted in a hole big enough to accommodate the medium in which they are growing. If the planting hole is in soil that drains less well than the compost in the pot, it fills with water and creates the conditions where roots rot (typically this happens in heavier, clay soils) and plants die. This effect is at its worst with potted hedging plants, which are typically planted in a trench that acts as a drain for the surrounding soil. Equally, if the surrounding soil drains well,
Article Source: DSL articles
Friday, April 8, 2011
As the winter comes to an end you can still take advantage of planting bare-root trees and shrubs. There are still some left at the garden centers in areas where the ground is not frozen solid for the winter. And many of the mail-order nurseries are only now sending out their stock. Bare-root trees and shrubs are those that are dug and packaged dormant for sale or shipment. The great part of bare-root shopping is that you get a wider choice of plant varieties at a lower price than in the spring or summer when you will be buying plants in active growth being sold in pots.
Check out the wide range of fast growing trees,bare-root plants available now at DSLFARMS, on the Internet and in mail order catalogs. They will soon be disappearing and you will be limited by a selection of the heavier, potted specimens. Bare-root plants are lighter to carry, easier to plant, less expensive to buy and more likely to survive when planted in the cool and damp of late winter and early spring. By planting bare-root trees and shrubs in unfrozen soil before they wake up, they will suffer less shock. When they break dormancy they will awaken to find themselves fully planted in their new homes and ready to dive into spring growth without pause.>>> GET YOUR "fast growing trees" & "HYBRID WILLOW TREES" NOW! http//
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Check out the wide range of fast growing trees,bare-root plants available now at DSLFARMS, on the Internet and in mail order catalogs. They will soon be disappearing and you will be limited by a selection of the heavier, potted specimens. Bare-root plants are lighter to carry, easier to plant, less expensive to buy and more likely to survive when planted in the cool and damp of late winter and early spring. By planting bare-root trees and shrubs in unfrozen soil before they wake up, they will suffer less shock. When they break dormancy they will awaken to find themselves fully planted in their new homes and ready to dive into spring growth without pause.>>> GET YOUR "fast growing trees" & "HYBRID WILLOW TREES" NOW! http//
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Monday, April 4, 2011
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